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About Us

CyberSN is the Cybersecurity Jobs and Career Marketplace.

From online job matching to full-service recruitment, CyberSN provides professionals and hiring teams with the expertise, information, tools, connections, and services they need to maximize career success, job satisfaction, team performance and retention.

The CyberSN Cyber Job and Skills Taxonomy map the critical xx cybersecurity skills to their application in over 140 jobs, enabling bias free fit-driven matching between job seekers and hiring teams. The CyberSN Career Center provides resources and tools for professionals to understand jobs, career paths, progressions and compensation structures and data. As a cybersecurity professional, CyberSN lets you Pwn Your Career™; knowing your market worth, finding jobs that fit your skills and meet your requirements, and accelerating your career success.

CyberSN's mix and match recruitment services, all built on the Job and skills taxonomy and career center data, allows cybersecurity teams to Build Faster,

Build Stronger and Build to Last; filling jobs in weeks not months, growing capabilities to business needs, and improving employee satisfaction and retention while CyberSN's Secure Diversity invests in advocating for, building, and growing diversity in candidates and in hiring.

CyberSN - Pwn Your Career, Build Your Team

New Jobs

Los Angeles Metropolitan Area, US $160k - $190k / year 2d ago
2d ago
Charlotte, NC, US $120k - $135k / year 1m ago
1m ago
Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Area, US $80k - $120k / year 2m ago
2m ago
San Francisco Bay Area, US 2m ago
2m ago
Remote (United States, US) 3m ago
3m ago