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About Us

Fud is a mobile app that aims to super-serve the hustlers - i.e. people that have or want a side income. People come to Fud because they want to learn from experts how to start, grow or supercharge their hustle. We empower hustlers to maximize their earnings and education providing them with the fastest and easiest way to start their hustle. For creators we provide the tools that matter most for sharing know-how, simplify earnings and provide attribution to maximize creator revenue. For users we want to lay the path in front of them and remove as many barriers towards their end goal as possible.

Mastery matters. Community matters. Everyone's hustle journey matters. You may be just one conversation away from making it.

New Jobs

Remote (Wilmington, DE, US) 5m ago
5m ago
Remote (Irvine, CA, US) 6m ago
6m ago
Remote (Phoenix, AZ, US) 7m ago
7m ago
Remote (New York, United States, US) 13m ago
13m ago
Remote (Atlanta, GA, US) 16m ago
16m ago