About Us

MariaDB is a new generation cloud database company whose products are used by companies big and small, reaching more than a billion users through Linux distributions and have been downloaded over one billion times. Deployed in minutes and maintained with ease, leveraging cloud automation, our database products are engineered to support any workload, any cloud and any scale – all while saving up to 90% of proprietary database costs. Trusted by organizations such as Bandwidth, DigiCert, InfoArmor, Oppenheimer, Samsung, SelectQuote and SpendHQ, MariaDB’s software is the backbone of critical services that people rely on every day. Learn more at mariadb.com.

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Director, Securities and Corporate Counsel

Remote (US, CA, Redwood City)  •  17m ago
17m ago

Director, Securities and Corporate Counsel

Remote (US, CA, San Francisco)  •  17m ago
17m ago